Most recently, Williams was interviewed by Patrick Fraser for a Florida Local News Station (WSVN Channel 7) to commemorate Titanic’s 100th Anniversary in 2012.

Williams appeared in the May-June 2006 issue of Scene Magazine. Scene magazine is the oldest and most established social and business community publication in the Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte County, Florida area. Click Here to Read the article.
L to R: Bob Williams and Cliff Roles

In To the Limits, Forbes adventure writer Jim Clash tells rousing stories of adventures with high profile, daredevil executives as they push themselves to the limits of physical and mental endurance. In the face of extreme challenge, these proven winners display many of the same qualities of character that account for their success in business: willingness to take risks, absolute self-reliance, and the ability to make tough decisions under pressure.1
Williams is featured in his chapter “A Titanic Trip: Voyage to the bottom of the sea.”
To order this book, please visit Amazon.com. It’s rated over 4 stars!

Williams made an appearance and interview on the National Geographic presentation of Partisan Pictures documentary, “ Titanic Revealed.”

Williams has a long list of newspaper and magazine articles that he appears in. Below is only a short list of articles pertaining to his deep sea explorations:
The Bay City Times
The Flint Journal
The Detroit News
Spring 2004 Mote Magazine
Herald Tribune 2004

Williams has been chronicled in the October 2001 issue of “Forbes Global” magazine and the Spring 2003 issue of “Forbes FYI” magazine.

Here is a listing of other articles of interest: